The next 21st of October is the deadline for the payment of stamp duty tax on e-invoices issued on the third quarter of 2019. According to Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2018, infact, “payment of tax related to e-invoices issued in each quarter is due within the 20 of the first following month”. As the deadline would be on Sunday, the payment deadline shifts to 21st of October.
although the date of 31st October 2019 for the exit from the European Union of the United Kingdom is approaching, the operating methods and the political, social and economic consequences are not yet clear
The next 22 of July is the deadline for the payment of stamp duty tax on e-invoices issued on the second quarter of 2019. According to Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2018, infact, “payment of tax related to e-invoices issued in each quarter is due within the 20 of the first following month”. As the 20 July will be Saturday, the deadline is postponed to the first working day.
The next 23 of April is the deadline for the payment of stamp duty tax on e-invoices issued on the first quarter of 2019
The deadline for payment of the annual tax for corporate books expires on 18 March 2019. The payment obligation refers to the companies, to those in liquidation and to the consortia as well (excluding cooperatives and mutual insurance companies).